Wednesday, February 3, 2010



DUBHE (Alpha UMa)
MERAK (Beta UMa)
PHAD (Gamma UMa)
MEGREZ (Delta UMa)
ALIOTH (Epsilon UMa)
MIZAR (Zeta UMa)
Talitha (Iota UMa)
Tania Borealis (Lambda UMa)
Tania Australis (Mu UMa)
Alula Borealis (Nu UMa)
Alula Australis (Xi UMa)
Muscida (Omicron UMa)
Muscida (Pi 1 UMa)
Muscida (Pi 2 UMa)
ALCOR (80 UMa)

c) It is a croup of stars that is commonly called the Big Dipper. The handle of the Dipper s the Great Bear’s Tail and the Dipper’s cup is the Bear’s flank. The Big dipper is the asterism. According to the Native American legends, the bowl of the Big dipper is the giant bear and the stars of the handle are three warriors chasing it. When the constellation is low in a Autumn sky, it was said that the hunters had injured the bear and its blood causes the trees leaves to turn colors such as red.

d)Chicago- Yes
San Diego- Yes
Rome- Yes
Jerusalem- Yes
Sydney- No

e) Best seen in April

f) Right Ascension: 11 hours
Declination: 50 degrees

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