Wednesday, February 3, 2010




* BETELGEUSE (Alpha Ori)
* RIGEL (Beta Ori)
* BELLATRIX (Gamma Ori)
* MINTAKA (Delta Ori)
* ALNILAM (Epsilon Ori)
* ALNITAK (Zeta Ori)
* Nair al Saif (Iota Ori)
* SAIPH (Kappa Ori)
* Meissa (Lambda Ori)
* Tabit (Pi 3 Ori)
* Tabit (Pi 2 Ori)
* Tabit (Pi 4 Ori)
* Tabit (Pi 1 Ori)
* Thabit (Upsilon Ori)

c) Asterism: line of 3 stars forming a belt; Orion, the hunter, stands by the river Eridanus and is accompanied by his faithful dogs, Canis Major, and Canis Minor. They hunt animals like rabbits and bulls. Orion was in love with Merope, but she didn't like him. Orion died after stepping on a scorpian.

San Diego-no

e) January

d) Right Ascension: 5 hours
Declination: 5 degrees



DUBHE (Alpha UMa)
MERAK (Beta UMa)
PHAD (Gamma UMa)
MEGREZ (Delta UMa)
ALIOTH (Epsilon UMa)
MIZAR (Zeta UMa)
Talitha (Iota UMa)
Tania Borealis (Lambda UMa)
Tania Australis (Mu UMa)
Alula Borealis (Nu UMa)
Alula Australis (Xi UMa)
Muscida (Omicron UMa)
Muscida (Pi 1 UMa)
Muscida (Pi 2 UMa)
ALCOR (80 UMa)

c) It is a croup of stars that is commonly called the Big Dipper. The handle of the Dipper s the Great Bear’s Tail and the Dipper’s cup is the Bear’s flank. The Big dipper is the asterism. According to the Native American legends, the bowl of the Big dipper is the giant bear and the stars of the handle are three warriors chasing it. When the constellation is low in a Autumn sky, it was said that the hunters had injured the bear and its blood causes the trees leaves to turn colors such as red.

d)Chicago- Yes
San Diego- Yes
Rome- Yes
Jerusalem- Yes
Sydney- No

e) Best seen in April

f) Right Ascension: 11 hours
Declination: 50 degrees

Sara Heffernen and Katie Kunkel: Ursa Minor

Ursa Minor
Polaris (Alpha UMi), Kocab (Beta UMi), Pherkad (Gamma UMi), Yildun (Delta UMi), Pherkad Minor (11 UMi)

A group of hunters got lost in the forest and prayed to the spirits to help them find their way home. A small girl appeared saying she was the spirit of the pole star. She led them home and the star Polaris was known as the star that does not move. When the hunters died, they were put into the sky to always follow the pole star. Asterism: small dipper.

Chicago: yes
San Diego: yes
Rome: yes
Jerusalem: yes
Sydney: no


Right Ascension: 15 hours
Declination: 70 degrees
g) Abbreviation: UMi; Genitive: Ursae Minoris; Translation: The Lesser Bear

Katie Kunkel and Sara Heffernen: Cassiopeia

a) Cassiopeia ^
SHEDIR (Alpha Cas)
Caph (Beta Cas)
Ruchbah (Delta Cas)
Segin (Epsilon Cas)
Achird (Eta Cas)
Marfak (Theta Cas)
Marfak (Mu Cas)
c) Cassiopeia was a queen, the wife of Cepheus, and the mother of Andromeda. The queen was very vain. She ruined Andromeda’s wedding to Perseus by telling Agenor to claim her daughter. Perseus turned the wedding party to stone using Medusa’s slain head. Cassiopeia was put in the heavens in a chair that revolves around the Pole Star, so she must sit upside down half the time. The asterism is a “W.”
d) Chicago-yes
Rome- yes
San Diego- yes
Jerusalem- yes
Sydney- no
e) November
f) Right Ascension: 1 hour
Declination: 60 degrees
G) Abbreviation: Cas; Genitive: Cassiopeiae; Translation: Queen of Ethiopia or Andromeda's Mother